The Moon is in Leo, conjunct Juno, trine Chiron, square Uranus, and semisquare Mercury. Mars and Pluto are still at a tight square, and Venus is opposite Saturn. October as a whole is very “Pluto themed.” Today can see some slight tension, excitement, along with some pressure to get things done. There can be something quirky or different about today’s energy, and it can crackle with possibility. Change is in the air, and Venus opposite Saturn can be a bit sobering, although useful. This week see’s more big shifts, with Pluto preparing to go direct tomorrow, Mars preparing to enter Scorpio on Wed, and a New Moon Eclipse due to occur on Saturday that goes on to square Pluto. Late tonight the Moon goes on to sextile Mars and oppose Saturn, seeing energy build up to confront stuck situations. There may be a few speed bumps along the way, but Mars will form a trine with Saturn, bringing tenacity and endurance to the table.


The Moon enters Virgo at 5:02 AM PST, to conjoin Venus, semisquare the Sun and oppose Saturn. Today can require some patience. For some this can see some interpersonal or social tensions, for others, there’s a lot of work to do or things to fix and improve. The lunar conjunction to Venus helps to smooth things over or make certain things more enjoyable, and it can feel good to work hard or improve something. The Moon opposition to Saturn can feel a bit down in the dumps, so finding something to sink your teeth into, focusing on your duties and responsibilities and looking for ways to enjoy them can help mitigate this potentiality. The Moon is also sesquisquare Chiron, which can see people more sensitive than usual, so take some time to nurture yourself. Pluto stations direct at 6:10 PM PST, after a long nap. Being an outer planet, this can take some time to pick up momentum, but this can see people get back into the drivers seat around certain situations that may have knocked them down momentarily. The Moon forms a trine to Jupiter this evening, mimicking the steps Venus will also make. This can see a feeling of optimism, gratitude and abundance shine through any feelings of struggle, difficulty, challenges, sacrifice, or gritty hard work. If you’re feeling down for any reason, know that Venus too will eventually swap her opposition to Saturn for a trine to Jupiter. Your hard work and sacrifices aren’t for nothing.


The Moon in Virgo is trine Jupiter, semisquare Mars and sesquisquare Pluto, and is itching to get down to business. There can be an enduring focus on the silver linings of situations, as well as a down to earth practicality. There can be a feeling that certain chapters are wrapping up, as Mars prepares to leave Libra tonight at 9:04 PM PST. In some cases there can be something very final about this, but there is also something oddly promising that opens new possibilities. The Moon goes on to trine Uranus and quincunx Chiron. There can be opportunities for healing, and trying new things can go surprisingly well. Evening time see’s the Moon oppose Neptune, which can see a wistfulness, dreaminess, or potential towards worry. Try to focus on what *is* possible as opposed to what isn’t. Staying in the present and grounded in the senses can generate new ideas and possibilities. Mars, still squaring Pluto, heads into do or die Scorpio at 9:04 PM PST, where it forms a tenacious trine to Saturn. This Mars cycle can focus on consolidation and laying new foundations for the future. Much can be achieved with discipline and endurance, and taking a step by step but unwavering approach. This can see a restructuring, rebirth, or rebuilding process, that may have involved some goodbyes or a demolition of sorts. A complete and total transformation or overhaul is in the works, and there can be a lot of groundwork to do.


The Moon in Virgo is trine Uranus this morning along with Pluto while opposite Neptune, which can see a bit of an out of sorts feeling as new routines or practices are adopted or integrated. This can also be inspiring, and the Moon forms a tense minor aspect to Jupiter that indicates a need for a little self control, as you can easily get too much of a good thing, even if that good thing is well, good for you. Easy now turbo. Change can be exciting, and even empowering. There can be a lot to take in and reflect upon, and powerful feelings can come to the surface. A lunar sesquisquare to Hygeia can see a health or healing slant on things, and in some cases, this can see people feeling revitalized or reinvigorated. The Moon enters interpersonally oriented Libra at 5:22 PM PST, in preparation for the New Moon Eclipse. A  powerful new era, with new terms and agreements or new relationships is unfolding. 


The Moon in Libra conjoins Mercury while trine Hygeia, which can highlight talks, agreements, and communications that can have a healing slant. This is a cooperative energy, and Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn is indefatigable, and willing to push through challenges for long term success. A lunar quincunx to Jupiter is generous, just take care your generosity is extended to the right people for the right reasons. There can be a focus on getting certain things back into balance. New promises or agreements can be on the table, either between others, or between yourself and the Divine.


The New Moon eclipse is exact at 10:55 AM PST in 21 degrees Libra, conjunct the Sun, Mercury, semisquare Venus in Virgo, opposite Chiron in Aries, and weakly square Pluto (for now). This eclipse can highlight tensions around agreements, and what needs to change if things are to continue to move forward. Striking a balance between different life spheres can be a factor. This decan of Libra is ruled by Saturn, and by the 3 of swords in the tarot. This isn’t to say that things are sad or terrible, it simply highlights the shared karma of things, people, arrangements, or commitments you are bound to. If anything, this decan is quite devotional. There is a seriousness and maturity here. New terms can be laid out or discussed, and this can involve partnerships, both business and personal, or promises and agreements made to oneself. “From this day forth..” Long lasting connections, commitments, or agreements can be made or existing ones can change or reach a new phase of development (or end altogether, “No more mr. nice guy.”) Mars trine Saturn is quietly ambitious, obsessed and unstoppable. The corresponding Full Moon in Libra on March 25 2024 can see the fruits of certain efforts, commitments, or agreements begin to emerge. Choose wisely now who and what you bind yourself to, and you will thank yourself later. 


The Moon enters Scorpio at 4:04 AM PST to conjunct Mars, trine Saturn, square Pluto, going on to sextile Venus. This energy can feel pleasantly stabilizing and motivating. Even amidst a lot of transformation, there can be a feeling of gratitude that things are ultimately changing for the better. A lot of energy can go into something, and there can be intensity or extremes under the surface. There is power and tenacity to this energy. As the day wears on into evening, the Moon makes an indulgent opposition to Jupiter. As long as you don’t go over the top, this can be a reinvigorating Sunday that can refuel your tanks for the week ahead. Doing things differently can be appealing. Next week, Venus is freed from Saturn’s grip and builds a trine to Jupiter. This can improve the outlook considerably. 


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