The week begins with the Moon in Virgo, opposite Saturn and sesquisquare Pluto, seeing strong feelings under the surface which can generate some anxieties, with intense pressures, responsibilities, or the results of past actions. The Sun is exactly conjunct Mercury at 7 degrees, highlighting social and interpersonal exchanges that can be a lot to fathom. The pace of the day picks up as the Moon forms a sextile to Mars in security oriented Cancer, which is trine cautious and determined Saturn, emphasizing a long game that prioritizes consolidation and gaining a foothold. Afternoon see’s the Moon square Jupiter in Gemini, which can see a lot of nervous energy with the potential to take on a lot, perhaps even excessive amounts of responsibilities. A sense of obligation, worry, or concern can drive acts of goodwill towards others. Take care to avoid burn out or overextending yourself.


The Moon in late Virgo is in tension with Venus, opposite Neptune, and trine Uranus and Pluto as the day begins, which can see some highly unusual, perhaps even extraordinary situations unfolding socially, interpersonally, or financially. Nerves can be slightly frayed, or energy levels can be a bit low or sensitive to fluctuations in the face of intense, relentless, surreal, or remarkable situations that may be unfolding just now. Venus in Scorpio can approach taboos, while it’s trine to Saturn can see some surprisingly stable situations. The Moon enters Libra at 3:20 pm PST to conjoin the south node, while still trine Uranus and Pluto, and opposite Neptune. This can see social and interpersonal situations reveal some new and weird dimensions. It’s a good time to observe, and can offer a chance to release past hurts, and come to terms with sad memories, or ancient butthurt. This can ultimately make way for more peace and serenity. 


The New Moon Solar Eclipse in 10 degrees Libra occurs at 11:49 AM PST, conjunct the Sun, Mercury, the South Node, and sesquisquare Uranus.  This decan of Libra is ruled by Saturn, and corresponds to the 3 of swords in the tarot. This card is known primarily as the “Lord Of Sorrows”, associated with heartbreak, grief, pain, and feeling torn and conflicted. Lesser known are it’s association with binding contracts and unions. Great care must be taken when selecting who and what you chain yourself to, and the deals and covenants you agree to, lest you be taken advantage of, deceived, or exploited, or are simply unable to fulfill your end of a deal. Blended karma is complicated business. A well considered choice of unions can be fruitful and satisfying, whereas an ill considered one can be sorrowful and injurious. This New Moon can see some surprising but conflicting dynamics, a new perspective on old or fledgling stories, a liberation from old ghosts, or a reworking of contracts, agreements, or unions. You may decide to get out of or into something, approach something differently, see a new side to someone, or bring a new side of yourself to an association. Venus in Scorpio trine both Mars and Saturn is passionate, determined, and unafraid to brush up against taboos, but reserved enough to have a safety word and hard outer shell to retreat to if things get hairy.


The Moon in Libra is conjunct Juno, square Mars, trine Jupiter, and opposite Chiron early this morning. All of this social and interpersonal pot stirring can really be draining at times, so make sure to stay hydrated and balanced. Do your best to navigate any tensions in a way that builds bridges instead of burns them, and tend to the physical body to ensure resilience throughout the day. The Moon trine Jupiter helps bring good will, diplomacy, and aloe vera to any sick burns. Feelings may be magnified, and the scales can tip in either direction. With dual signs highlighted, there can be a focus on negotiations and choices. Things intensify this evening with the Moon square Pluto in 29 Capricorn, while making tense aspects to Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There can be a desire to escape uncomfortable, awkward, or loaded situations. For some, there may be a need to release the desire for control. Taking a time out and a step back can help you gain some clarity around what should take priority, and what can wait. 


The Moon enters Scorpio at 4:22 AM PST, where it’s still square Pluto, while the Sun and Mercury in Libra are square Mars and quincunx Saturn. This can see some barely submerged intensity, intrigues, or subtle battles of will. There could be some private frustrations to navigate, and certain people could be a bit more pushy or controlling beneath a veneer of politeness early on. Quick thinking, honesty, and decisiveness is required, but take care in how you come across. Try to mind your own side of the street and look after your own circus, unless someone asks for your input, otherwise you could come off as more intrusive and aggressive as opposed to helpful. There may be a need to look after health and well being or that of a loved one with the Moon opposite healing asteroid Hygeia, to balance out extremes. Things can stabilize pleasantly this evening, with the Moon conjunct Venus and trine Saturn, which can help bring more composure and grace to deep puddle dynamics and intense or heavy handed situations. 


The Moon in Scorpio conjunct Venus, is now trine Mars and Saturn while sesquisquare Neptune, which can see a lot of passion, motivation, and endurance, although there is a need to focus, especially this morning. There is a very private atmosphere today, with a lot going on behind the scenes and under the surface. Serious matters may be in focus, and there is much to consider. In some ways, developments can feel surreal, confusing or unfathomable. Mercury square Mars, trine Jupiter and opposite Chiron can be bringing up memories, and generating plenty of healing opportunities and “teachable moments.” There is an eagerness to learn, teach or gain new perspectives. Although it can be a bit confrontational at times, there are opportunities to forgive, forget and move on with your life feeling more informed or enriched by your experiences.


The Moon in Scorpio is opposite Uranus, trine Neptune, and sextile Pluto, which can see some surprising emotional insights, or creative innovation, catharsis, or inspiration. Someone or something can surprise you, or something new is introduced into the fold. Today can be good for relaxing, musing, fantasizing, or engaging in creative or spiritual pastimes. The Moon enters Sagittarius at 4:34 pm pst, where it will see some minor tensions with Mercury and Mars. Aim to strike a balance between what you feel secure, comfortable and familiar with while expanding your horizons or opening up to something or someone new or alien to you so that you don’t overwhelm or frustrate yourself. 


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