Astrology for the week of FEB 3-9 2025


The Moon in Aries is heading towards a conjunction with the healing asteroid Hygeia, while Venus in anaretic degree is conjunct Neptune and prepares to enter Aries late this evening at 11:57 PM PST. With the Sun, Mercury and Pluto all in Aquarius, there’s been a focus on forward, progressive thinking, and even futuristic developments, with thoughts and ideas that are unorthodox and ahead of their time. With the Sun semisquare Venus in Pisces, things may have felt stuck in a recursive, reflective loop at times. This doesn’t mean that nothing is happening, and things can be looking up. Tomorrow see’s Venus enter a more dynamic, autonomous phase, while Jupiter stations direct in Gemini. The Sun trine Jupiter brings more optimism and expansion. The Moon enters Taurus at 7:33 PM PST


Jupiter stations direct at 1:40 AM PST, while trine Mercury. This suggests good news, or an uplifted frame of mind as Jupiter awakens from it’s reflective slumber. For a time now, expansion has been turned inward. Now it can begin to turn outward again so that the fruits of refections or behind the scenes activities can begin to define themselves. Conversations and news can be more optimistic, even a bit unusual, and there can be hope on the horizon. The Moon in Taurus in square to the Sun and Mercury while sesquisquare Neptune suggests a bit of sluggishness which can take some time to pick up momentum. Nothing can be forced right now, so allow things to go at an organic pace. Tomorrow can see some more dynamic changes.


The Moon is conjunct Uranus, which can see spontaneous shifts that require a flexible and adaptive framework. With the Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius, mental pursuits, humanitarianism, group consciousness, collective social movements, technology, internet, and progressive, unorthodox ideas are all highlighted. Mars, which has been retrograde in Cancer, is trine Saturn, suggesting a long and slow process that requires discipline, endurance and patience, as the foundations for the future are being laid down. The square Mars makes to Chiron indicates that there may have been things that have thrown things off course recently, perhaps some painful or uncomfortable realities, prompting a redirection or change of heart. In the very least, new approaches will have to be considered to get things back on track and juggle multiple plots simultaneously. The Moon enters Gemini at 10:44 PM PST, where it will go on to trine Jupiter and Pluto tomorrow, which can see some larger than life experiences, or powerful communications that generate intense interest, curiosity, or awe. Something can hit deep. 


This morning can see a lot going on or many tasks to manage simultaneously. It’s also possible that there is an over the top enthusiasm, or powerful exchanges, with the Moon in contact to both Jupiter and Pluto. There are noticeable shifts, and the Sun conjunct Mercury can see things in flow, with optimism, new ideas, or renewed interest in projects, ideas, or endeavors. The Sun quincunx Mars advises caution. Try not to rub people the wrong way or alienate the very people who could help you. This may also simply signal a need to make adjustments to energy output, and with Mars Rx, energy can feel a bit under par. Try not to push yourself too far too soon. Healing processes are also highlighted, with the Sun sextile Chiron. Evening time can see renewed faith, optimism and enthusiasm.


Venus in Aries sextile Pluto places emphasis on relationships and alliances that hold mutual empowerment and respect for autonomy in high regard. This can see some highly unusual alliances or shifts in value systems occurring. Sometimes you have to innovate around archaic systems to accomplish your goals. The Moon is trine the Sun and Mercury, which can see some interesting developments unveiled, and there can be positive and potentially downright weird, or even science fiction-esque news circulating.Discussions can veer into revolutionary or unprecedented territory. The Moon Square Saturn suggests there are still some nagging issues or challenges, but there is plenty of progressive and forward thinking in these configurations to find ways around obstacles. Things can still feel a bit murky, uncertain, or defined answers can remain a bit elusive (Moon square Neptune.) When in doubt, retreat and refine your approach and wait for the answers to arrive. 


The Moon enters Cancer at 3:08 AM PST, which can see a need to retreat into comforting activities and have patience with various processes taking place. A lunar semisquare to Uranus can see some tensions surrounding unresolved problems. Try to remain open and flexible to possibilities. Try not to push yourself or run before you can walk. Tomorrow will see a more stable momentum, but it’s still important to pace yourself.


The Moon in Cancer is trine Saturn and conjunct Mars Rx, which can see sharp intuition and precision execution if harnessed into the right directions. Saturn helps with endurance and focus, Mars (even though retrograde), adds impetus. The Moon goes on to square Chiron, which can see sensitivity heightened. Try not to expect too much from yourself or others, and take time to nurture yourself and tend to your needs to build up your strength. A lunar sextile to Uranus and trine to Neptune later on can see some surprising insights or creative impulses. 


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